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Knoist and his three sons - a fairy tale by Grimm Brothers

Read "Knoist and his three sons" fairy tales for kids. Knoist and his three sons, is a short bedtime Story by the Grimm Brothers about three brothers - one blind, one lame, and one naked - who embark on a peculiar adventure. After catching a hare, they venture onto a large lake in a boat with no bottom, and eventually reach a forest where they find a chapel and meet unusual religious figures. This surreal tale features whimsical characters and events, as well as a humorous rhyme that adds to its charm.

"Knoist and his three sons"
a fairy tale by Grimm Brothers

Between Werrel and Soist there lived a man whose name was Knoist, and he had three sons. One was blind, the other lame, and the third stark-naked. Once on a time they went into a field, and there they saw a hare. The blind one shot it, the lame one caught it, the naked one put it in his pocket. Then they came to a mighty big lake, on which there were three boats, one sailed, one sank, the third had no bottom to it. They all three got into the one with no bottom to it. Then they came to a mighty big forest in which there was a mighty big tree; in the tree was a mighty big chapel in the chapel was a sexton made of beech-wood and a box-wood parson, who dealt out holy-water with cudgels.

“How truly happy is that one
Who can from holy water run!”

The End

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